CAS# 64-19-7
Chemical Formula: C2H4O2
(Unless otherwise indicated, all properties are given at 25 °C and standard pressure.)
Appearance: Colorless, transparent liquid.
Odor: Pungent, vinegar.
Odor Threshold: < 1 ppm
Formula Weight: 60.05
pH: 2.4 (1 M aqueous)
Melting/Freezing Point: 16.2 °C
Boiling Point/Range: 117.9 °C
Decomposition Temperature: No information found.
Flash Point: 39 °C
Auto-ignition Temperature: 483 °C
Flammability: Explosive as vapor; flammable as liquid.
Flammability/Explosive Limits: Lower: 4.0 % by volume; Upper: 19.9 % by volume
Solubility: Miscible with water, alcohol, ether, acetone, glycerol, tetrachloromethane.
Vapor Pressure: 11.4 mmHg at 20 °C, 55.0 mmHg at 50 °C
Vapor Density: 2.1 at 20 °C (Air = 1)
Specific Gravity: 1.049 (Water = 1)
Evaporation Rate: 0.97 (Butyl Acetate = 1)
Viscosity: Dynamic: 1.53 mPa s
Kinematic: 1.168 mm2/s