Ways to Improve Efficiency in your lab:

Ways to Improve Efficiency in your lab:

Posted by Maxi Scientific on Jan 25th 2024

Improving Efficiency in the Lab

Running an efficient lab is crucial for conducting quality research and maximizing productivity. I asked lab researchers to share their best tips for working smarter. Here are their suggestions:

  • Identify rate limiting steps. For example, if qPCR cycle time limits samples per day, plan workflows to keep machines running nonstop. Work backwards to supply enough samples and staff.
  • Sort out clear directions, approaches and goals. Say your aim is to compare morphologies of samples A vs B made differently. Direction is that difference. Approach is make 3 of each then image with SEM. Goal is determine which to use for next step.
  • Keep evolving project PowerPoints. Start with background, then continually add data and explanations over time. Becomes record of progress for you and supervisor.
  • Multitask with nested workflows. If you need to quantify DNA samples and run an agarose gel, cast the gel first during the 20 minutes for samples prep. Split cells while 1 hour gel runs.
  • Gain experience repeating tasks. Efficiency comes from doing same protocols over and over, optimizing each time. See how others complete them more easily.
  • Ask technicians for advice. Those doing repetitive tasks likely have tips for simplifying workflows. Senior researchers too.
  • Organize shared equipment usage. Schedule machine time across different projects so work can proceed in parallel.
  • Keep tidy, labeled, inventoried workspaces. Clutter causes wasted time spent searching drawers and shelves.
  • Take regular mental breaks from bench work. Marathon science requires recharging.

What techniques have worked for you? Please share more efficiency tips in the comments!