The 5 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Happy

The 5 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Happy

Posted by Ben Lowenstein on Apr 1st 2024

Here are some things I try to do every day in order to stay happy:

1. Every morning--write down a bunch of things that I'm grateful for. 

You'll always either be in a state of WANT, or a state of GRATITUDE. You can either be happy about what you currently have, the life you currently live, etc., or you can always be wanting more. 

2. Limit social media exposure. 

I use tools like the Undistracted extension for my browser to hide my social media feeds, in order to remove "endless scrolling" from my life. I also try not to go on social media unless I know EXACTLY what I want out of it. Get in, get out, done. 

Seeing other people's lives only makes you feel badly about yourself. It's an endless comparison game. So I don't follow other people, I just focus on myself. 

3. Limit exposure to news.

If something's REALLY important, my friends and family will let me know about it. The news focuses on showing you negative "trigger-words" like "VIOLENT", "market PLUNGES", "HORRIFYING", etc., because they know our minds are wired to pay attention to anything that might even remotely threaten our existence. 

4. Curate as much positive exposure in my life as I can (books, movies, friends, family members, etc.)

I try to fill my surroundings with positive information. Your mind can only construct out of the materials you give it. 

5. ONLY smile at myself in the mirror. 

Whenever I look in the mirror, I smile at myself. I want to perceive myself as a happy, positive person...and it's always good to see someone smiling back at you! :-D

Got any tips/tricks that you do? Let us know, we might just add it to our next blog post!